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أخبار الجمعية

First International Forum for Electric Vehicles and Green Transportation 18 -19 April 2018

 Green Transportation is very hot issue should be discussed where traditional energy still used for transportation in many all countries around 30 to 45 % of the total energy bill in many countries worldwide.  
 Many industrial countries shift gradually to green transportation to Electric vehicles to reach 10 to 50 percentage to reach  Electric vehicles  by 2040.
 Electrical vehicles and green  transportation are booming market nowadays . While much work has been done to detail what economic costs and benefits EVs will have on consumers and producers alike, it seems that it is also important to understand what impact EVs will have on distribution networks nationwide.
 The First International Forum for Electric Vehicles and Green Transportation in the period 18 -19April 2018 will be organized by the Arab Renewable Energy Commission AREC and The Jordanian Renewable Energy Society JRTES in cooperation with ministry of transportation and Jordan Chamber of Commerce 
Energy Storage
Renewable Energy For green transportation
Social aspects for EVs
Public charging infrastructure
Technological innovations
 EVs Bankability
Public green Transportation.
Mobility needs and mobility behavior
Charging the batteries 
Conference sponsors are divided into three types: platinum, gold and
silver sponsors.   
- Platinum sponsors identified in (10000) ten thousand dinars.
- Gold sponsors identified in (5000) five thousand dinars. 
- Silver sponsors identified in (3000) three thousand dinars. 
Privileges for the Platinum Sponsor: 
a. Putting the "Logo" of the sponsor in the brochure for the forum. 
b. Five minutes free talk to introduce the company. 
c. Free (Posters) for the sponsor. 
d. Free attendance to the forum for three persons from the sponsor. 
e. Space (12) square meters of exhibition. 
The following privileges are given for the gold sponsor:
a. Free ten minutes to make a presentation about the company. 
b. Free attendance to the forum for two persons from the sponsor.
c. Space (9) square meters of exhibition. 
d. Free posters for the sponsor.
The following privileges are given for the Silver sponsor: 
a. Free (Posters) for the sponsor. 
b. Free attendance to the forum for one person from the sponsor. 
c. Space (6) square meters of the exhibition. 
For more information:                                                                    
Website: www.arec-jo.com
Tel: 0096265240095
Fax: 00962 6525096
P.O.Box 2818, Amman 11941
AREC Secretary  Manager:
Eng. Mohammed Al-Ta'ani
Mobile: 00962777418782
E-mail: mtaani@arec.org.jo
E-mail: mnqtaani@gmail.com
Eng Mutaz Al Shafeey
General coordinator of forum
International Coordinator:
Eng.Mohammed Hammori
Mobile: 00962796556180
Forum fees: 1500$ for participants.
        AREC member : 200$
Exhibition fees: 250$ per one square meter (250$/1m2).
      Only 6 Square meter for 900JD for AREC members 

الصفحة الرئيسية | دخول الأعضاء | الرؤيا | الواجب | النشاطات | الهيكل الوظيفي | النظام الداخلي | الاجتماعات | أعضاء الجمعية | النشرة الدورية | المشاريع | الأبحاث والدراسات | اتصل بنا

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