U.S. Charge Affaires Opens a Science Journalism Workshop
AMMAN – In line with U.S. President Obama’s call for expanded engagement with the Muslim world, the U.S. Charge Affaires Lawrence Mandel today, Saturday, July 24, opened a five-day science journalism workshop, which aims to promote more compelling coverage of science issues. American Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Deborah Blum, who teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s journalism school, will lead the workshop organized by the U.S. Embassy’s Press Office in cooperation with the Embassy’s Regional Environment, Science, Technology and Health Office.
In his remarks at a reception at Wild Jordan, Mr. Mandel underlined the importance of science journalism in contributing to accurate public awareness of factors in key policy decisions to national and regional development. He noted: “The workshop is intended to provide tools to journalists who write about the most compelling issues of our day. Participants will spend a week in the classroom refining their methods for telling powerful stories in meaningful ways. They will go out into the field and practice what they are learning. We hope at the end of the workshop they will not only have more theoretical knowledge, but that they will also have come away with stories developed during the practical exercises and field trips organized around the theme of renewable energy.”
The workshop, which will be held at the Jordan Media Institute, will be attended by journalists from local media outlets. Participants will discuss ways to write interesting stories and seek solutions to common reporting challenges. Discussions, field trips, and practical exercises have been structured around the theme of renewable energy.
Over the course of five days, speakers from the public and private sectors will address the journalists on various aspects of renewable energy issues and projects. Speakers at the workshop include representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Environment, the Jordan Green Building Council, the National Energy Research Center (NERC), the Jordanian Renewable Energy Society (JRES), MEPower, Friends of the Earth Middle East, Philadelphia Solar and Catalyst Private Equity